Yeah. I had been waiting for some hot Marge-on-Girl action, and last Sunday's episode of the Simpson's finally delivered, thanks to Homer's lack of insurance led to an imagination of a make out session between corporate shill LIndsay Neagal and Marge Simpson(Couldn't tell you if the episode was any good. Our cable reception for Fox gets bad as soon as the show starts. No Audio.). Still, there are other girls an old perv like me wants to see trade tongues with Marge.

5.Maude Fanders: Now, I know she's dead. But this is the Simpsons. That ain't no scuse. Hell, it could be a secret past story. Oh, Yeah. Maude was always shown as fairly more attractive and well endowed than marge. Oh, yeah, do want.

2.Ruth Powers.They.Held. HANDS! Though it was all a Thelma and Louise parody, they played it PRETTY straight(or not?).

1.Marge Simpson. Oh, yeah. Marge is hot enought that a clone of her makes the top of the list. Take THAT, Princess Khashmir!
Though, to be fair, Marge doesn't have all that much ego to make out with herself. She is mostly a selfless, giving character, wether she's giving the last slice of pizza up or giving me the gif below. LATER!

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