You're a moron.
You're a moron because you saw an article titled "Catfight Strategy Guide" and you decided it might be worth your time. Everybody knows this game sucks, but to truly play it...for what end? To get your rocks off? If you must do that with a fighting game, go get Dead or Alive, Strip Fighter 4 or 2 Soul Calibur. Just not this one. If you want to play a good fighting game, there's plenty. If you want to play a mediocre or sucky fighting game, there's plenty of that too. You don't NEED Catfight in your life.
And yes, I will detail within the details of how to play Catfight and not dwell in it's legendary suckyness TOO MUCH. But unless your a blogger who has some kind of thing with writing about Women in Fighting Games, I suggest you go back to Google and search for anything else. Maybe a cure for insomnia, or the lyrics to that one Matchbox 20 song.
Now mind you, there is yet another game called Catfight. That one is on Playstation 2, which I won't have. If you want to know about that one, well, I accept your donations, send me a Playstation so that I can rock the nation while mocking sexy asians.
Unless you can get your joystick to work(and I couldn't!) you will be working with the arrows for movement. Z and X are your punch buttons, and C and V are your kicks. A, S and D are a shortcut to the special moves, and F are the shortcut to the "Supermoves". Or so I'm told. I haven't ever done one in this game withouth the buttons.
There is no holding of the button, okay? You hold low punch, you keep punching like you on turbo, okay? Ditto for every attack.
Special Moves
Special moves also drain meter, but you probably won't be runing out of them in this game.
Yes, I'd like a #2, change the soda for fruit punch. What, in this game? Hahahaha. Go fuck yourself.
The Super moves in this game are different from other games. You have a sort of stamina bar that gets depleted when you pull a Super or special. You cannot repeat the Super unless you're Super Meter returns to maximum.
You block by backing away. Try it in real life in relation to this game. Even if you don't block, the game is sure to not follow you!
Finishing moves
But hitting the opponent with a super for a last move, the character will be killed in not so spectacular fashion.
Win(Or lose! This game is stupid like that!) until you get to the end boss. You get one (1) picture with text describing whatever your character gets for winning!
Now, If you want to destroy yourself with this game it's fine, but don't you dare bring someone else into your sick world. Do you even have the two joysticks the game forces you to have in order to play versus? What, you can get them? Fuck you!
Definitively one of the better modes. I mean, the game is almost not a chronic insult to the human psyche if you're not trying to play it at all. Unlike other games with this option, though, you cannot choose who will fight and on what grounds.
Pfft. Like THAT's gonna make this more enjoyable. You can choose between two difficulties, one of which makes the opponent not fight at all.
You can choose between, normal sound, offsound, and catsounds. But offsound doesn't do anything, so...
Controls, you have keyboard, Joystick and a third thing I don't understand. If you choose joystick you are expected to calibrate 2 characters.
You can choose between speeds Normal, Turbo and Slow Mo. You tell me if it works, mine's stuck on Turbo.
Character Strategy
Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Back in the day, you used to have to looks at strategy guides to know your characters moves and strategies. In this one, you'd have to do it to know their fricking names.
Name Pyriss
Place of Origin
She's some bitch who shoots fire.
Fun Facts
Special Moves
A Firestorm
Dashes across the Screen.
S Inferno
She shoots black fireballs. They do a fair amount of damage
D Unnamed Uppercut A tried ant true and glitchy Shoryuken.
Super Firestorm: same as Firestorm,It does shitty damage. Not so super.
Finishing moves
Be Diamonds: The opponent blows up into diamonds. Hey, it happens mostly offscreen, so who knows.

Place of Origin
From her ending it is implicit she's an extraterrestrial.
She just wants to make things clear.
Fun Facts
At one point her finisher just wouldn't fucking work. I assumed she had none.
Special Moves
A)Slicer Kick: A fairly damaging glowey kick
S Slicer: A crescent Moon shaped projectiles
D Dive Kick: She jumps into the air and dives the opponent
Super Slicer Kick: A very broken version of Slicer Kick. Two or 3 of these and it's adios, enemigos.
Finishing moves
Guts slicer: Her opponents guts all come out.
Place of Origin
She's some bitch who shoots lightening.
Fun Facts
Special Moves
A HyperShock: A screencrossing beam of electricity
S Hypershock Low
Lightening travels along the ground
D Twirl Uppercut Uppercut A tried ant true and glitchy Shoryuken.
Supermove = Super Twirl Uppercut You kinda follow along now.
Finishing moves.
HeadKnock: The opponents heads is knockeds off they bodies.
Place of Origin
The Badguys
She's some bitch who Uses wrist-blades.
Fun Facts
Special Moves
A Venom Drill: Just like Wolverine's Drill Claw. But your not playing those games now, stupid idiot.
S Venom Sting
It's the divekick, allright? It's just that it's no longer a kick
D Venom Uppercut
A tried ant true and glitchy Shoryuken.
Supermove = Super Venom Sting: A Venom Sting that ends in an Uppercut
Finishing moves.
Venom Decimation: The opponent superdies into bones and stuff.
Place of Origin
She's some bitch who Uses Sound Waves
Fun Facts

Special Moves
A Great Wave: A diagonal abstract-description-of-sound attack.
S HyperWave
Same, but now fully forward
D Fear Magnet
It's a little glowey thing that doesn't go anywhere
Supermove = Super Wave She crosses the screen to hit you with a punchwave.
Finishing moves.
Bring the Bass: The opponent superdies into bones and stuff.
Place of Origin
She's some bitch who Uses Scythes
Fun Facts
Special Moves
A Beerseker Klaws: She dashes most of the screen, attacking with her scythes
S Skulls Out
She shoots a skull from...her skull
D Tellyport Appear behind the enemy
Supermove = Super Beerseker Klaws THis one does cross the entire screen
Finishing moves.
Deep Within: The Opponents guts all come out.
Chae Lee
Place of Origin
She's some bitch who Uses Ninja Shit
Fun Facts
The Actress playing this character, Kaitlin Zamar was in Mortal Kombat 2 as Kitana/Mileena/Jade.
This is possibly the worst character in all the game.
Special Moves
A Teleport: It ports you behind the enemy
S Fireball: It's a fireball. Don't do it to close, because it has a tendency to miss the enemy completely.
D Uppercut : Yet another uppercut
Supermove = Super Beerseker Klaws THis one does cross the entire screen
Finishing moves.
Ninja Slice: The Opponents guts all come out.
Place of Origin
An Ice Place. Hehehe.
She's some bitch who Uses Ice Shit.
Fun Facts

Special Moves
A Freeze Breath: Temporarilly encapsulates opponents in ice. No, it's not as practical as you'd think.
S Ice Spike: A flying projectile made from Ice.
D Tornado Kick: It's an upwards then downwards variation in the old Tatsumaki Sempukyaku
Supermove = Super Tornado Kick: It's a same place staying variant on the old Tatsumaki Sempukyaku.
Finishing moves.
Footie Head: The opponents head flies away.
Place of Origin
She's some bitch who Uses Her huge, oily guns.
Fun Facts
Her actress is actually called Sara. No, it's too late to say they wern't even trying.
Special Moves
A Power Crush: A Grab, I think.
S Power Blah: An empowered punch.
D NOTHING AT ALL: She yells Power Blah and runs out your meter, though.
Supermove = Mighty Face Punches: She lunges forward and punches.
Finishing moves.
Knocking of the block: Her opponent's head falls off.
Place of Origin
A Haloween Party
She's some bitch whu uses claws.
Fun Facts
Special Moves
A Monster Dash: She lunges towars her upponent
S Rolling Buckler: Haha, made you look! She rolls along the ground
D Upwards roll: She rolls diagonally.
Supermove = Demon Roll: See: MOnster Dash, Super.
Finishing moves.
Killer Night: Her opponent blows up
Final Boss Strategy

Okay, so you made some choices in your life that lead you to having to beat Catfight. Now you are before the final boss, some Kiss looking freak. If you lose to her once, you have to go back to the start of things, just like Street Fighter Alpha 3. Hey, that game was pretty sweet. Go play that, instead.
First of all you will notice she spams powerful beams that knock you back. If your game is super sped like mine is, this might seem like an unwinnable boss. Here's what you're gonna do: Crouch.
If you crouch, all her attacks go right over you. You are mostly safe, if you keep blocking. Now, she will slowly aproach you with her deadly ray beam cieling, but that's okay. Hold...any attack really, and Shinma will just keep walking into it until she's almost out of health.
If I didn't mention it, I will now, that her health keeps growing. But what's worse, the only way to beat her is to use a supermove on her and kill her. As her health approaches dangerously low levels, get up and use the supermove. It might take some tries, but she'll go down.
Once you figure that out, the boss fight goes from stupid hard to stupid easy. Now you can see the endings. However, I specifically put them in this article so you WON'T have to do that, like I did.
Final thoughts
So that was Catfight. Hopefully this will give some closure to your hunt for answers about this game. But...
did you know they remade the notoriously bad Custer's Revenge?
Did you know that they remade Strip Fighter?
Well... I think it's time we took a long, snarky look at Catfight. It's time, baby.