Equipo Drawnder wants YOU (to join him in PRGamejam)

El Sabor de una nueva generacion!

Now, I've peripherally, telescopically participated in a handful of  Gamejams already.  I'm no stranger to danger. But on September 10, on my own island, ON MY OWN HOMETOWN, there's a Gamejam. And I already signed in, because I know that feeling of kicking yourself for not participating on an event clearly built for you.

The PR Gamejam  takes place in Bayamon Puerto Rico, and I already got MY ticket, my Yoyo Gamemaker "Demo" and some backup ideas. Now all I need is you.  You don't HAVE to know code or anything. If you're a creative person who thinks they can come up with something, I want you on my team. If you can somehow produce music, maybe in FL Studio, I want you on my team. If you can create art and animation, I want you on my team. And fuck it, if you can do code or use Yoyo Game Maker, I want you on the team. Why wouldn't I want you on the team?

So if you're in Puerto Rico(or are some kind of Gamejam game chaser who would travel to an island currently facing a drought just to show us up at videogames) I want you on Team Drawnder.


What are you guys watching?